Christa Veinotte

Founder and owner


As a veteran massage therapist, Christa, the founder of Hestaband has had an interesting journey. With a background in pre-veterinary medicine and equine technology, she graduated from Massage Therapy School in 1999 and has since completed almost 60,000 massages. She started her own business initially, providing equine massage therapy, and later became specialized in lymphatic drainage therapy and cranial sacral therapy. She also became the first person in Canada to be trained in Kinesiology taping in 2013.

However, the Kinesiology tapes that she was using were not strong enough for horses with ligament injuries or lymphatic drainage issues. She tried several different types of tapes, but none of them satisfied her needs. Finally, she started making her tapes. As time went by, she experimented with different types of tapes from fabric weaves to adhesives, leading to the creation of Hestaband, a strong and durable horse tape designed to meet the unique needs of horses.

The pandemic brought an unexpected turn of events. Many therapists began asking about her product, and she soon realized that there was a market for Hestaband. She started with a test program, sending out 70 packages to ten different countries, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. In November 2020, Hestaband was officially launched and is now being delivered to 28 different countries.

While she is managing the business herself, she has the support of her accountant and bookkeeper. She also has a business mentor whom she consults from time to time. Although she did not anticipate that Hestaband would grow as big as it has, she acknowledges that it may be necessary to bring in a business partner in the future.

Managing Hestaband has been a significant change for her, as it has required her to step back from her full-time practice. This decision was not easy, as her clients had become like family to her, but it was necessary to focus on growing Hestaband. Although it was difficult for her to give up traveling and treating horses full-time, she now has more time to spend with her family, which has been a rewarding experience. While she misses her clients, she remains grateful for their support and loyalty.

The use of Hestaband, a horse-taping technique developed by Christa, has also expanded her reach to help more horses around the world. She explains that before Hestaband, she was only able to help 30-40 horses on her own, but with the aid of her product, she is now able to help over 100 horses each week.

As her business continues to grow, her main goal is to remain true to her values and provide quality products to help horses. She aims to stay connected with veterinarians, chiropractors, and other professionals who use Hestaband in their practice. She also plans to provide more types of tapes, as her company is currently the only one to offer three different tapes worldwide.

Despite facing manufacturing challenges early on, she never gave up on her desire to create Hestaband. She persevered through the obstacles and worked tirelessly to find the right manufacturers who could create her vision. Her biggest motto is to never give up and to keep going even when doors close.

So why did she choose to work in this industry? She was born in Northern Labrador, an area where there are no horses. Despite this, she was always drawn to these majestic animals and dreamed of studying them. Her love for horses led her to pursue a degree in pre-veterinary medicine and eventually, to become a horse therapist and business owner.

When asked about her greatest achievement, she didn’t hesitate to say that it was her son. For her, bringing a human being into the world and watching him grow into a good person is the most beautiful and rewarding thing she has ever done. She believes that people are born with their personalities and traits, and as parents, we can only mold and shape them to a certain extent. Her love and admiration for her son are limitless and unconditional.

Moving on to her professional life, she draws inspiration from the tapers she works with. The pictures and stories of horses have helped inspire her every day. She describes them as talented individuals who continuously strive to improve their craft. However, her biggest inspiration outside of the industry is Dolly Parton. She admires her for her humble beginnings, her authenticity, and her entrepreneurial spirit. She finds it empowering that Dolly has never compromised on her personality or style and has stayed true to herself throughout her career

When asked about her definition of business success, she explained that there are various aspects to it. While financial stability is essential, the most fulfilling part of her job is knowing that her product and tapes have helped horses and made them more comfortable. The messages she receives from satisfied customers about how her tapes have improved the quality of life for horses are what she considers the pinnacle of success.

Lastly, she advises people never to give up on something they care about. She believes that perseverance, determination, and making connections are crucial in achieving one’s goals.

In conclusion, Christa’s success is not solely based on financial gain, but rather on the satisfaction of knowing that she is making a difference in the lives of horses and their owners. Her definition of success goes beyond monetary values and is rooted in making a positive impact on the world. Her journey proves that success can be achieved by staying true to oneself, following one’s passions, and making a difference in the world.