Natalie Kratochwil

Creator & Founder: KISS Equestrian Co.

Meet Natalie, the creator and Founder of KISS Equestrian Co. She is an equestrian based in Queensland, Australia who also runs a business alongside her busy corporate 9-5 job. She is the owner of an OTTB, Mando, and her business is all about helping equestrian business owners grow their businesses on Instagram using scaled-up content strategies.

She started her business in early 2022 after trying a few other things first. She found that the things that work for other industries don’t work for equestrians, and that their industry and lifestyle require different strategies for success. She also made the same mistakes everyone does when starting on social media; she became obsessed with numbers and performance, burnt out trying to post every day, and used strategies that felt useless because she thought that’s what she had to do to grow. She ended up in tears multiple times a week and cancelled rides to keep up with content creation. So, she developed her own framework and started teaching it to her clients.

Her business goal is to create expansive containers for equestrian business owners to accelerate and rapidly grow their businesses on Instagram using scaled-up content. She wants to create more ease, more flow, more money and more epic connections and impact in the equestrian industry. Her ultimate goal is to help as many equestrian CEOs as possible to succeed so the industry as a whole becomes better. She wants to create space on Instagram for businesses run with integrity, sustainability and fun, and to allow equestrians to step into their unique talents and own their space online.

The greatest achievement of her is developing her signature program “Equestrian Content Accelerator Mastermind”, an 8-week group coaching program that teaches equestrians how to master their simple repeatable content strategy to help Equestrian CEOs generate more followers, leads and clients on repeat. It captures her signature KISS content framework, which stands for “Keep It Simple, Stupid!” her fans have taken a genuine liking to her straightforwardness, tell it like it is, straightforward approach to material and have turned phrases like this into mantras in their community! So, she made the decision to go for it!

Her definition of business success is impact and freedom. To her freedom is 3-fold:

She wants to be able to choose how and when to show up and who to do life with. The freedom to give freely and abundantly and being able to provide for her family without worrying about money.

She advises equestrian business owners to keep it simple and focus on their strengths. You don’t have to do everything, just focus on what you do best and make sure it aligns with your values and goals. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t be afraid to change direction if something isn’t working.